The January edition of the GravurExchange
Your source for news for the Gravure Industry!

Welcome to 2022
2022 AIMCAL Executive Leadership Conference/Global Summit set for April 4-5:

The second AIMCAL/GAA combined conference will be held in-person at the NASCAR Hall of Fame in downtown Charlotte, NC. Historically the GAA has held its winter/spring “Summit” event as the business topic-oriented conference. With the GAA merging into AIMCAL, this works out perfectly with the AIMCAL winter/spring event that has the same business theme. The GAA (Gravure AIMCAL Alliance) Committee has already begun with content ideas that can be integrated into the AIMCAL ELC Conference. For more information: 2022 Executive Leadership Conference Landing (aimcal.org)

The following is from an attendees perspective: Anamika Huq, a Print and Graphic Media Sciences MS Student, attended the R.I.T. Gravure Day Virtual Event and the following are her comments:
“On December 1, 2021, RIT students were provided a wonderful opportunity to meet with various leaders in the Gravure community. Each of the presenters provided a glimpse for students into the print industry. Personally, I was awed to hear the efforts different companies, Inland Packaging in particular, make to find sustainable options. I really enjoyed hearing Tammy Polovic of Laminates & Performance Films go over how gravure-printing technologies are used in manufacturing applications. Additionally, I think all students, myself included, found great relief to hear the different options for both co-op and career opportunities that lay beyond the school gates, as each presenter took some time to detail different roles within their companies and potential career paths. Overall, this was a wonderful experience for students for exposure into practical Gravure applications.”
The following was the December 17, 2021, United States Postal Service “Industry Alert”: New 2022 USPS Mailing Promotions Documents and 2022 Tactile, Sensory & Interactive Promotion Documents Update
We are excited to announce the release of the new promotions requirements guidebooks for 2022. The guidebooks have been simplified and streamlined for each of the six mailing promotions, and can be found on the “Promotions” PostalPro page at https://postalpro.usps.com/promotions.
The promotion guidebooks provide a quick and easy way for users to access content for each promotion. Each guidebook contains promotion requirements information, content from the “General Participation Guide,” as well as a new look and feel. Key information regarding updated discounts, important dates, enrollment, eligibility, and more is accessible through new clickable links to facilitate finding content easier. With these improvements and enhanced visuals, the guidebooks clearly demonstrate the value the promotions can add to your mail.
If you are looking for a specific guidebook containing promotion requirements, please click on the relevant PostalPro link below.
- Tactile, Sensory & Interactive Promotion
- Emerging and Advanced Technology Promotion
- Informed Delivery Promotion– Coming Soon
- Personalized Color Transpromo Promotion
- Earned Value Promotion
- Mobile Shopping Promotion
The 2022 Informed Delivery Guidebook with promotion requirements will follow soon. Please check for updates on PostalPro at https://postalpro.usps.com/promotions.

New features of to the GravurExchange newsletter “Ask the Gravure Experts” and the “Gravure Printing and Converting Corner:'
“Ask the Gravure Experts” is a feature where members from the GAA Committee will review your question and reply directly to you and publish the question-and-answer in the next GravurExchange. One of the important benefits of being part of an association is the ability to network with members, the “Ask the Gravure Experts” provides the opportunity to all the readers of the GravurExchange to network. Send your question subject line: “Gravure experts” to info@gaa.org
“Gravure Printing and Converting Corner:” The following are the comments of Tony Donato from the GAA Committee. “As I attend virtual meetings and Webinars and talk to members, it is apparent change is constant. The days of continuing to do business as usual are long gone and, now we must keep our ears and eyes open to not be passed by. Brand Owners are investigating what advantages come from digital printing, especially on multiple printing substrates, metal (cans), film, paper, corrugated. Many printer members are adding the digital process not just for prototyping but into production. As digital packaging and production presses are being added to printing facilities, states like Wisconsin are developing permit criteria to be specific to the technology. Digital-ink costs and supply have been talking points on its adaption into production, reading news releases more ink companies are coming into the digital market. To show how interest in digital ink is growing, I just had a recruiter ask me if I knew any digital-ink chemist who could apply for an open position in Charlotte.
“Brand Owners, as they get pressure from consumers, are investigating which printing process is the most environmentally friendly and uses materials and processes that can be classified as ‘sustainable.’ Solvent-based inks still come up as an environment issue, but the uninformed and so many are unaware that many Gravure printers use water-based inks for packages. Also, Brand Owners looking to control print quality across the different printing processes are wanting to use PQX (an XML print-quality exchange specification) and are asking the 11 print-quality reporting tool providers to make their equipment PQX-compatible. Virtual press approvals are another challenge between printers and their customers.
“All involved in the Gravure community need to shamelessly promote all new inks, dryers, presses, workflows, water-based inks and adhesives, proofing and so on for all technologies that are helping Gravure printers to become more sustainable. For all our members, if you have news releases that support the sustainability and environmental advances in the Gravure processes, please send them to Mark Spaulding, Editor-in-Chief of Converting Quarterly, at email (mark@aimcal.org). Questions? Please call 262-914-4021.
“Because all our members at looking on how to add production employees, Printed United Alliance has worked with the state of Wisconsin to put together a “Printing Apprenticeship” program and to promote it to high-school students. They have reviewed many printing tacks to see where a student could work and not be in danger or violate safety standards. As I talk to our members, many went through apprenticeship programs, but there was a good number of years when such programs fell out of favor. They need to come back, in my opinion. We have four new students this week from member companies using the GAA online Entry-Level Technician course. The members are repeat users of the training. https://gaa.org/services/training/online-gravure-certification-training/
“Last week I was on the MTAC (Mailers Technical Advisory Committee) to the USPS annual meeting (virtually). Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, coming from New Breed Logistics as its chairman and CEO, is seriously looking at how to improve the efficiency and financial viability of the USPS. He spoke for over an hour and made it clear he is not leaving any stone unturned and taking his task very seriously as he sees the USPS as more than the mail service. From the breakout industry call for mass mailers, they are see substantial increases in shipping rates and changes in discount programs. Many attendees are positive on what they have seen so far.
“We have several members working on technical articles and will have one in the February 2022 edition.”

Cylinder Society:
It is time to nominate your colleagues or those who you consider the person who has helped advanced the knowledge of the Gravure industry. This can be the expert that is the go-to person for Gravure process and technology help. The next class of Cylinder Society inductees will be welcomed into the fold at the 2022 AIMCAL Executive Leadership Conference. Nominations are still being accepted at gaa@aimcal.org, put in the subject line: “Cylinder Society” and the Nominee. An application form will be sent to you. Learn More Cylinder Society Members – GAA

It is time to participate in the 2022 Golden Cylinder Awards. Entries are being accepted until May 7, 2022.
There are four primary awards categories that reflect the best execution of the Gravure-printing process and supporting innovations: A. PACKAGING AND LABEL, with nine sub-categories, B. PRODUCT, with eight sub-categories. C. PUBLICATION, with 10 sub-categories. D. TECHNICAL INNOVATION, with eight sub-categories; for a total of 35 categories. To download the entry form, go to: GAA-Golden-Cylinder-Awards-2022-Form.pdf
If you are looking for new employees or are looking for employment, we encourage you to use the new resources on the AIMCAL website:
(Jobs (aimcal.org). Members may post jobs at NO CHARGE. We invite you to see how easy it is to post jobs online today! To maximize your job posting, you should also post on the GAA website at Job Openings | Gravure Association of Americans (gaa.org)
We want to thank all the GAA/AIMCAL members who have renewed their membership for 2022. We are approaching 60% renewed and renewing:
Walter Vail, GAA Chair Emeriti Walter Vail and AIMCAL Member Outreach Director Tim Janes have put together a group from the GAA Committee who will be calling members to be able to answer questions on the benefits of continuing to stay a member. Video Walk Through of Login Process + Member Resources.
University and College Gravure Day:
We have heard back from several universities that are scheduling a virtual “Gravure Day.” The program helps students understand all the industry segments that use the Gravure process and provides awareness of all the careers in printing and converting. Interested in holding a “Gravure Day?” Email info@gaa.org, subject line: “Gravure Day.”
Was your company once a member or do you know a past member?
Walter Vail is chairing a committee to reach out to past GAA members to inform them of the expanded benefits now available with the AIMCAL merger. To support Walter, email info@gaa.org, subject line: “Membership.” This subcommittee supports the GAA Committee’s mission statement by connecting those who use and recognize the importance of the Gravure printing and coating process.

Above are more pictures from the December 11, 2021, Mecklenburg County Council of the Scouts Graphic Arts Merit Badge Article that was in the December issue: The event to give printing-career awareness and experiences to the participating scouts. GAA members and others from the printing community conducted the event that introduced 18 scouts both boys and girls, to several different printing processes including Screen, Flexo, Gravure and Digital at Central Piedmont Community College Harper Campus in Charlotte, NC.
The December and previous issues are available at The Latest News | Gravure AIMCAL Alliance (gaa.org)

GAA Services, Training and Products:
On-site Training/On-site Consulting:
Will resume as soon as restrictions are lifted. In the interim, we continue to deliver mentored training and consulting, featuring our technical experts, Bob Kikkert and Mike Gaffney. Virtual and hybrid training is also available. Those in need of these services, please contact info@gaa.org, subject line “Consultant Services.”
The Gravure Textbook Sale Continues:
We continue to receive orders for the Gravure Process and Technology and for the Gravure Specifications and Tolerances (GST) textbooks, so we decided to extend the half-price sale through the end of the year. Both books are US$50 each plus freight (FOB Greenville, SC) and in addition to English-language versions, the Process and Technology book is available in Spanish, Russian, and Chinese. Purchase at Shop (aimcal.org)
Gravure Certification:
We are happy to announce that we had two students complete and receive their certificates, and more students started the online training in August. The training consists of lessons, downloads, videos and quizzes. Each student has to pass a quiz that tests what the student learned in each lesson before they can advance to the next lesson. All quizzes and lessons have to be completed before receiving the certification; this ensures students truly earn their certificates.
There are four levels of Certification training available online:
• Level 1 Assistant Certification (suitable for assistants and especially new hires)
• Level 2 Operator Certification (suitable for experienced press operators)
• Level 3 Application Specialist Certification (suitable for non-pressroom personnel and sales)
• Level 4 Master Operator Certification (suitable for press operators with advanced pressroom experience)
Information and registration for all four levels of the certification is available at https://gaa.org/services/training/online-gravure-certification-training/. Special Member pricing has been established for the Certifications. For pricing and to register, email info@gaa.org, subject line “Certification.”
Want to become a member?
Anyone interested in having their company become a member of this dynamic association of companies that are promoting the gravure process, please go to: Become a Member | AIMCAL Questions? Contact AIMCAL Member Outreach Director Tim Janes at tim@aimcal.org