The November edition of the GravurExchange
Your source for news for the Gravure Industry!

The GAA AIMCAL R2R “Gravure Fundamentals and Gravure Track” coordinating committee brought together a group of gravure experts to share their knowledge during the 2021 AIMCAL R2R, October 18-21 in Orlando FL: The committee, chaired by John Edwards of Sun Chemical, faced many challenges with the continued COVID travel restriction. All total, the committee reached out to over 40 potential speakers and garnered 24 commitments to fill the 29 spots (11 for the Gravure Fundamentals and 18 for the Gravure Tracks). The “Gravure Fundamentals” followed the format that was used for the Gravure Basics virtual seminar held this past May. For the gravure tracks, the committee was able to assemble speakers from brand owners, suppliers and researchers to cover trends, technologies; updates on the three gravure cylinder research products as they are all in beta testing, and methods to support the gravure process users. A big thank you to the committee members for their hard work behind the scenes. Committee members: Bill Poulson, Dan Comerford, John Edwards, Johnny Stamey, Mandee Jones, Rod Sosa, Todd Luman and Tony Donato.
ACiMGA 2021 Co-Sponsor of the Golden Cylinder Awards, Invited the GAA to present at the 2021 Roto4All conference!

AIMCAL Roll-to-Roll (R2R) Virtual Conference

AIMCAL R2R Virtual Conference on December 7th through 9th will provide attendees ability to pick and choose from the 112 sessions that were presented in Orlando: The AIMCAL planning group utilized an on-line recording technology for the speakers to pre-record their presentation for the R2R live event. This preplanning, as a back-up for presenters who could not travel, or changes in the COVID protocols, will now allow AIMCAL to hold a virtual conference. The virtual conference provides the attendee the ability to pick from all the recorded sessions. With 6 simultaneous tracks daily, it literally made it impossible to attend all the sessions that were of interest. The virtual conference solves the issue! More Info: 2021 R2R Virtual Conference (aimcal.org)
Golden Cylinder Award Winners

A big congratulations goes out to all the 2021 winners of the Golden Cylinder awards: During the AIMCAL Awards dinner held in Orlando at the R2R event Lou DeFlaviis the chair of the Gravure AIMCAL Alliance committee announced the 2021 winners. Lou and Chris Kerscher, the Executive Director of AIMCAL presented the trophies to the winners who were present at the awards dinner: The winners are as follows: Category “A” is “Packaging and Label”: Winner of A-2 “Film /Film Lamination” is Fres-co Systems. Winner A-6 “Film-Pressure Sensitive” is Multi-Color Corporation (Batavia).
Category “B” is “Product”: Winner of B-1 “Decorative Coverings” is O’Sullivan Films; Inc. Winner of B-8 “Decorative Laminates” is Omnova Solutions Inc. a Synthomer Business.
Category “D” is “Technical Innovation”: Winner of D-1 “Image Preparation” is Fres-co Systems. Winner of D-2 “Image Carrier” is Syntek Co. Ltd. Winner of D-3 “Inks & Substrates” is Amcor Specialty Cartons, Chester, VA. Winner of D-4 “Press” is PAD INKSPEC. Winner of D-6 “Packaging” is Fres-co Systems.
The judges also picked the best of the best for each category:
Category “A” Packaging and Label “Best of the Best” winner is Fres-co Systems.
Category “B” Product “Best of the Best” winner is Omnova Solutions Inc.
Category “D” Technical Innovations “Best of the Best” winner is Amcor Specialty Cartons, Chester VA. More information: Golden Cylinder Awards – GAA
A special thank you to our co-sponsor; Italian Manufacturers Association of Machinery for the Graphic, Converting and Paper Industry – ACiMGA

It is time to start thinking about entering the 2022 Golden Cylinder Awards:
being accepted until May 7th 2022. To download the entry form, go to: GAA-Golden-Cylinder-Awards-2022-Form.pdf
Mike Gaffney participated in ICEC USA's "Ask the Experts"

Mike Gaffney, one of the GAA’s Subject Matter Experts participated in ICEC’s “Ask the expert” on the ICE Expo floor in Orlando: Mike also participated as a speaker in the Gravure Fundamentals and Gravure track sessions. With reductions in the COVID restrictions, the GAA consultants Mike Gaffney and Bob Kikkert bring 80 years of combined printing experience to their resource bank. They are ready to assist those who need consultation. Contact us at: Contact – GAA
Anna University - College of Engineering Guindy

An inquiry into the GAA’s “Gravure Process and Technology and GST Blue Book (Gravure Specifications and Tolerances) text books turned into a new international university member: Anna University in India is Asia’s oldest technical institution, established in 1794, contacted the GAA website looking for Gravure text books for their Printing and Packaging Technology program. Anna is now a university member of AIMCAL. To learn more about Anna Universities printing and converting program go to: The Latest News | Gravure Association of Americans (gaa.org)
PGSF GEF Facilitates Donation of K-Proofer to Cal-Poly

GAA Committee PGSF GEF board members Walter Vail, Rod Sosa & Todd Luman facilitate donation of K-Proofer to Cal-Poly: The Print and Graphics Scholarship Foundation (PGSF) announces that California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo became the first school to receive a grant from the PGSF Gravure Education Foundation Endowment. With the funding, the Cal Poly Graphics Communications Department acquired a K Printing Proofer from RK Print Coat Instruments Ltd. The new equipment gives Cal Poly staff and students the ability to learn about the strengths of gravure.The read full release
Benefits & Resources in Two Combined Associations for the Cost of One

GAA members it is that time of year when membership fee invoices will be distributed: Walter Vail, GAA Chair Emeriti, and Tim Janes, AIMCAL Member Outreach Director have put together a comprehensive document that lists the expanded benefits of membership of the combined associations. The document identified all the programs, committees, training and other valuable assets now available to the GAA members. With AIMCAL being an International Association; and many of its members are suppliers to GAA members, our combined association represents an expanded supply chair to printed and converted products. To review the combined benefits that resulted from the merger into AIMCAL go to: Gravure AIMCAL Alliance Resources | Renew 2022 at Discount of $1,000 for GAA MembersGAA Video Walkthrough of AIMCAL Website + Resources
Western Michigan University 37th Annual Gravure Day

GAA Committee members were presenters at Western Michigan University 37th annual Gravure Day on November 1st: Dan Comerford of WRE Color, Rod Sosa of Fres-co Systems, Tony Donato of GAA Committee were joined by Mark Fisher, President and CEO of Council of the Great Lakes Region to provide information ranging from cylinder manufacturing, packaging printing – to include color control, gravure industry segments and the challenges the industry faces to help in effort for packaging sustainability. Mark Fisher’s presentation showed all challenges that need to be addressed to protect the Great Lakes North America’s great fresh water resource: Circular Great Lakes
2022 AIMCAL Executive Leadership Conference/Global Summit April 4th & 5th:

The 2nd AIMCAL/GAA combined conference will be held in-person at the NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte NC. Historically the GAA has held its winter/spring “Summit” event as the business topic-oriented conference. With the GAA merging into AIMCAL, this works out perfectly with the AIMCAL winter/spring event that has the same business theme. The GAA Committee has already started with content ideas that can be integrated into the AIMCAL conference. For more information: 2022 Executive Leadership Conference Landing (aimcal.org)
Gravure AIMCAL Alliance Committee had an organizing meeting to identify those interested in participating more

The Gravure AIMCAL Alliance Committee had an organizing meeting at the R2R to identify those interested in participating in various committees to help organize and build programs that will promote the Gravure related industries: Lou DeFlaviis led the meeting to kick off this activity. Lou was very pleased with the large turnout and the enthusiasm of the group. For those who were not at the R2R and want to join this dynamic group of Gravure believers, review the following opportunities to participate.
A call for Gravure Technical papers and articles:
Converting Quarterly / AIMCAL are offering to include Gravure Industry papers and articles in their newsletters and perhaps also in the magazine. Anyone interested in contributing a non-commercial technical paper of 600 to 650 words please contact info@gaa.org with subject line “Article” with your idea or abstract and we will contact you. For Gravure “white” longer papers we can add them to the Technical Library – GAA on the GAA website. Also contact info@gaa.org with subject line “White Paper”.
Join the following GAA Committees:
A conference committee has been established to provide ideas to Chris Kerscher for the April 4th and 5th Executive Leadership Conference in Charlotte, NC. To join the committee and or suggest topics email info@gaa.org subject line “Summit”.
Was your company once a member or do you know a past member:
Walter Vail is chairing a committee to reach out to past GAA members to inform them of the expanded benefits now available with the merger. To support Walter email info@gaa.org subject line “Membership”. This committee is intended to support the GAA Committee mission statement by connecting those who use and recognize the importance of the gravure printing and coating process.
University and College Gravure Day:
We need more Gravure Days! Universities or Colleges with a graphic, printing and or packaging program – we are ready to support you and help you hold a Gravure Day. The program is to help your students understand all the industry segments that use the Gravure process and give them the awareness of all the careers in printing and converting. Interested in holding a “Gravure Day”? email info@gaa.org subject line “Gravure Day”.
Cylinder Society:
The Cylinder Society has been a way to recognize your colleagues and those who have been influential in the advancement of the gravure process across the industry. Please send your nominations to gaa@aimcal.org, put in the subject line “Cylinder Society” and the Nominee. An application Form will be sent to you.
GAA Services, Training and Products:
On-site Training/On-site Consulting:
Will resume as soon as restrictions are lifted. In the interim, we continue to deliver mentored training and consulting, featuring our technical experts, Bob Kikkert and Mike Gaffney. Virtual and hybrid training is also available. Those in need of these services please contact info@gaa.org, subject line “Consultant Services”.
The Gravure Textbook Sale Continues:
We continue to receive orders for the Gravure Process and Technology and for the Gravure Specifications and Tolerances (GST) textbooks, so we decided to extend the half-price sale through the end of the year. Both books are US$50 each plus freight (FOB Greenville, SC) and in addition to English-language versions ,the Process and Technology book is available in Spanish, Russian, and Chinese. Purchase at Shop (aimcal.org)
Gravure Certification:
We are happy to announce that we had two students complete and receive their certificates, and more students started the online training in August. The training consists of lessons, downloads, videos and quizzes. Each student has to pass a quiz that tests what the student learned in each lesson before they can advance to the next lesson. All quizzes and lessons have to be completed before receiving the certification; this ensures students truly earn their certificates.
There are four levels of Certification training available online:
• Level 1 Assistant Certification (suitable for assistants and especially new hires)
• Level 2 Operator Certification (suitable for experienced press operators)
• Level 3 Application Specialist Certification (suitable for non-pressroom personnel and sales)
• Level 4 Master Operator Certification (suitable for press operators with advanced press-room experience)
Information and registration for all four levels of the certification is available at https://gaa.org/services/training/online-gravure-certification-training/. Special Member pricing has been established for the Certifications. For pricing and to register, email info@gaa.org, subject line “Certification”.
Want to be a member:
Anyone interested in having their company become a member of this dynamic association of companies that are promoting the gravure process, please go to: Become a Member | AIMCAL Questions? Contact AIMCAL Member Outreach Director Tim Janes at tim@aimcal.org
The October 2021 GravurExchange will have information from the AIMCAL R2R USA and other news.